Le 27 de ce mois de novembre, notre membre interprofessionnel Maltais, MFPA, organise une conférence sur le thème:‘’ Professional Ethics: a Hub in Europe. The Services of the Professional in the Future’’.
Cet évènement est placé dans le contexte du processus de création d’un Centre Européen d’Excellence en Ethique Professionnelle dans l’ile-République.
9:00 Registration
9:30 Introduction Minister of Education Hon Evarist Bartolo and Benjamin Rizzo, President MFPA
10:00 Professional ethics and CPD programmes in the European space: current trends and challenges – Prof. Benoit Rihoux
10:30 Current Issues and Challenges in local Professional Ethics – Dr. David Fabri
10:45 Discussion
11:00 Coffee break
11:30 Professional Ethics in the curricula at the University of Malta – Prof. Emanuel Agius
11:50 Professional Ethics and the relationship between professionals and customers – Prof. Theodoros Koutroubas / Ing. Helga Pizzuto
12:30 Discussion
13:10 Conclusion
13:15 Lunch