On the 7th of April, our President, Mr. Gaetano Stella, and our First Vice-President, Prof. Dr. Victoria Ortega, worked together in order to develop a joint position for their respective governments and the European Commission. The letter signed by the Presidents of the Spanish and Italian interprofessional organisations, aims to draw the attention of the policy makers on the situation faced by the professions because of the health emergency caused by COVID-19.
In their letter, Victoria Ortega and Gaetano Stella also emphasize the need to materialize an agenda with the Spanish, Italian and European institutions in order to coordinate aid, recovery and sustainability of professional services today and in the future.
Spain and Italy are among the countries most affected by the COVID-19 crisis, and their professionals are acting in an exemplary manner, always in defense of the general interest and in compliance with shared values of responsibility, independence and professional ethics. The work of the professions is crucial to minimize the social and economic impact of COVID-19, as well as to stimulate, once its worst effects are past, a rapid recovery of all sectors of the public sphere.
For this to be possible, effective and proportionate financial and economic measures are essential. The response that national governments and the European Union should give to support professions will be decisive for the immediate viability of society as a whole.
In this sense, Gaetano Stella and Victoria Ortega, in their capacity as President and First Vice-President of the European Council of Liberal Professions (CEPLIS), request that the efforts aiming to support the sustainability of the work of professionals should be shared by the Member States and the European Union itself, as we are facing an invisible enemy that does not understand borders and who is testing the solidity of the established models of cooperation and solidarity.
Letter to the European Commission
Letter to the Government of Spain