APROA-BRK – Association Professionnelle de Conservateurs-Restaurateurs d’Oeuvres d’Art ASBL
APROA-BRK is the Professional Association of Conservators-Restorers of Art Works ASBL.
We bring together 145 Belgian Conservators – Restorers.
More information is available on our pages about our profession, as well as the list of our members, according to their specialty.
Enjoy your visit!
Federperiti is the Italian Federation bringing together provincial, interprovincial, regional and national associations of Insurance and Damages Assessors. It gathers professionals who provide expertise, assessment and consultancy in case of material damage linked to the automotive sector and traffic flow.
European Association of Practice-oriented Professionals with Highter Education
Who are the EurEta Professionals? EurEta brings together two types of professionals: What is the EurEta Registry of these two categories of Professionals?
By registering professionals, coming from different national educational systems, we bring together the different Educations. Our Registry means that no matter where the registered professional come from and what the formal titles are, they have acquired through their system of national education the same minimal standard. All EurEta Registered Professionals or Engineers are able to provide a comparable high-quality service at their level. What is the role of EurEta as a representative Body of these professionals?
We have the vocation to bring the collective voice of the professionals figuring on its Registry to the European Commission, Parliament and Council every time that issues concerning their sector are debated. At the same time, our organization has the task to inform these institutions and the general public, of all evolutions relating to these professionals at the level of States, promoting their work and their role as important agents of growth.
Bundeskammer der Architekten und Ingenieurkonsulenten
Bundeskammer der Architekten und Ingenieurkonsulenten The Chambers of Civil Engineers are public corporations and the legal professional bodies of state-authorized and sworn civil engineers (architects and civil engineers with around sixty powers in engineering and natural science, montanistic fields and fields of soil culture). The legal basis is the Ziviltechnikergesetz (ZTG 2019). The representation is carried out by elected, volunteer professional representatives (elections every 4 years).
Since its creation in the 1990s, the Union (Le Syndicat) has had a real influence with supervisory bodies and biologists. It is upported by biologists working with national or European supervisory bodies, as well as by experts recognized by the profession. SLBC is committed to preservation of ethics, protection of public health and research of excellence.
SLBC has always defended evolution and the necessary reform of biology to allow biologists to maintain their independence – including pharmacists and physicians, employees and associates. The Union of Laboratories of Clinical Biology is actively engaged in bringing together biologists in order to share resources and constitute a bulwark against the financialization of the profession.
Croatian Dental Chamber was founded in Zagreb on June, 26th in 1995.
The abbreviated name of the Association is: HKDM
TRADEMARK Chamber consists of a red square, where one above the other two symmetric displaced, white semicircles rotated 45 degrees so as to emphasize the upward diagonal squares. Right edge of the square ends Croatian wattle detail in gray. On the right side of the sign is the name of the Association.
President of the Chamber: M.sc. Hrvoje Pezo, DMD
Deputy Chairman of the Chamber: Professor Pavel Kobler, DMD.
President of the department of dental technicians: Vesna Krizmanic, senior dent. tech.
President of the department of dental assistants: Denis Milosevic, Bc.med.techn.
Treasurer: Karlo Sudarević, dr. med. dent.
General Secretary: Jasminka Polic, MA.Law.
Name: EUConcult
Chair: Francesca Mineo (mineo.francesca@gmail.com)
EUConsult aims to be a voice for consultants to civil society. It provides a forum for communication and collaboration, an environment to foster the highest ethical standards of professional and business practice, and networking opportunities across Europe.
EUConsult offers the opportunity to relate to colleagues who share similar values and work in a similar or complementary field in an atmosphere of friendship, trust and mutual respect.
For more information about the organization, we invite you to click on the link bellow.