CLGE – Council of European Geodetic Surbeyors

The Comité de Liaison des Géomètres Européens (CLGE) has its Jubilee in 2012. It was indeed founded in the cradle of the Fédération Internationale des Géomètres (FIG) in 1962 and thus exists for 50 years in 2012. During the FIG Congress in Wiesbaden in 1972, CLGE got its current name. Its original objective was to consider the implementation of the Treaty of Rome in relation to the geodetic surveying profession.

ENC – European NURSING Council

As FEPI before, and with a renewed enthusiasm and determination, the European Nursing Council (ENC) strives to become the voice of the European regulatory bodies and competent authorities for nursing in order to protect European citizens and patients by securing excellence in (1) nursing competences and practice, (2) professional standards, (3) continuous education and training and (4) codes of conduct. To realize these objectives, we act as an advocate of patient safety towards the European Institutions in order to promote patient safety and public health at the national and European levels.

European Council of Engineers Chambers

The ECEC is the umbrella organisation of European Engineers Chambers. It represents the professional interest of Chartered Engineers on European level. Its members are national Chambers or other legally established public bodies representing authorized Chartered Engineers. Currently the ECEC represents 16 Chambers and over 300.000 highly qualified European Chartered Engineers who are members in these Chambers.

EFPA – European Federation of Psychologist Associations

EFPA is the leading Federation of National Psychologists Associations.
It provides a forum for European cooperation in a wide range of fields of academic training, psychology practice and research.


The FIEA is an international association of automobile experts, composed of legally formed automobile experts groups without recognised national status and exceptionally of individual experts.

European Association for Psychotherapy

The EAP represents 128 organisations (31 national umbrella associations, 17 European-wide associations for psychotherapy) from 41 European countries and by that more than 120.000 psychotherapists. Membership is also open for individual psychotherapists.
Based on the “Strasbourg Declaration on Psychotherapy of 1990” the EAP represents high training standards for a scientifically based and stands for a free and independent practice of psychotherapy.

OCE – Orthoptistes de la Communauté Européenne

The Orthoptistes de la Communauté Européenne (OCE) is the representative professional body in the EU and spokesperson for the orthoptic profession on European topics. The OCE was founded to collate and to provide the European authorities, the member states and the individual orthoptists with up to date information on the state of orthoptics in the various EU countries.


ESLA is an umbrella organisation of speech and language therapy associations in Europe, with 30 member associations in 27 countries, representing over 50,000 speech and language therapy/logopaedic professionals.

All activities of ELSA are specifically and exclusively focused on its aims and objectives, which are “to be the authoritative voice of speech and language therapy in Europe”, “to increase the recognition, promotion and protection of the profession” and “to ensure the sustainability of the organisation”.

EUPLMG – European Union of Pharmacist Specialists in Laboratory Medicine

EUPLMG is an international non-profit-making association is constituted under the name “EUPLMG – European Union of Pharmacist Specialists in Laboratory Medicine. It represents all Pharmacists Specialists in Laboratory Medicine and/or Human Genetics in Europe, operating through a Council, an Executive Board, a Financial Council, Specialist Sections & Speciality Boards. Its work is sustained by Standing Committees on Continuing Pharmaceutical Education and Professional Development, on Postgraduate Training, as well as ad hoc Working Groups.


EFNNMA is the voice of nursing and midwifery within the European Region of the World Health Organisation. The organisation represents 534,594 Nurses and Midwives within the European Union and has currently 30 member associations, 15 of which are from the EU. Working in partnership and strategically with WHO and other key stakeholders EFNNMA aims to influence health policy, improve the quality of health services and the health of people across the 53 Member States of the Region. Advocates of the central and unique contribution that Nurses and Midwives make to individual and population health and well-being across Europe and are committed to ensuring both professions are supported to deliver excellence in their practice. As the nature of care changes EFNNMA believes that strengthening and developing the nursing and midwifery workforce through the provision of lifelong learning and research delivers excellence in public health and people-centered healthcare.
