Press release – GA Dublin 2016

CEPLIS’s General Assembly and Permanent Committee meetings were held the 27th of this past month of May in Dublin at the kind invitation of our Irish inter professional member (IIPA).

The Permanent Committee meeting, held in the morning and chaired by the First Vice president of CEPLIS and President of Confprofessioni, Mr. Gaetano Stella, was the occasion of very fruitful and informative debates.

During this meeting Mr. Benjamin Rizzo (MFPA) and Prof. Dr. Theodoros Koutroubas, Director General of CEPLIS and senior Policy Adviser have informed the Permanent Committee of the progress regarding the project of establishing a Center of Excellence for Professional Ethics in Malta.

The project is currently in its final stage and is going to be presented soon to the European Commission. It has also received financial support from the Maltese government (Ministry of Employment and Education).

The other main topic of the PC was the TTIP negotiations on which Brian Hayes, MEP invited by our member the IIPA shed a very useful light. Mr.Hayes’ speech was then discussed by a panel composed of:

TOM HEALY Economist and Director, Nevin Economic and Research Institute, Dublin

MARK REDMOND, CEO, Irish American Chamber of Commerce Dublin

MARY ROSE BURKE, Director of Business Representation. Irish Business and Employment Confederation (IBEC)

The General Assembly meeting was held in the afternoon of that same day.

In accordance with the Statutes, the G.A has elected the President and new Executive Board of the organisation for a term of 3 years.

Mr. Rudolf Kolbe (ECEC, FBÖ) was elected as President.

The following representatives of members were elected to the Board:

Gaetano Stella (Confprofessioni) – First Vice president

Simone Zerah (EFLM/EC4), Jordi Ludevid (Union Professional) and François Blanchecotte (UNAPL, CBE) – Vice presidents

Benjamin Rizzo (MFPA) – Treasurer

Jerry Carroll (IIPA), Eric Thiry (UNPLIB), Jean-Pierre Tricot (AEDME) and Michael Van Gompen (E.C.C.O.) – Members

The members of the General Assembly have discharged Mr. François Blanchecotte for his term as Treasurer for the exercise 2015 and have unanimously accepted the candidature of the “European Association for Psychotherapy”for CEPLIS active membership.