/ckfinder/userfiles/files/Service%20Package%20-%20Eurocadres%20CEPLIS%20-%20final.pdf [...]
The General Assembly of CEPLIS, at the occasion of its meeting of the 16th of [...]
A delegation of Consiglio Nazionale dei Periti Industriali e dei Periti Industriali Laureati (CNPI) has [...]
CEPLIS was delighted to be invited to contribute to the workshops of the Single Maket [...]
Held in the beautiful island of Malta at the kind invitation of our colleagues of [...]
The European Economic & Social Committee has organized a lovely event the last day of [...]
/ckfinder/userfiles/files/Dir%20reply%20to%20CEPLIS_E1_E5.pdf [...]
Under the auspices of the Maltese Presidency of the European Union’s council, the Group III [...]
Statement on the EU service package The European Council of the Liberal Professions (CEPLIS) is [...]
The next General Assembly and Permanent Committee meetings of CEPLIS will be held on June [...]