CEPLIS annual out-of-Brussels meeting was marked by moments of emotion, fruitful work and detente under the hospitable Spanish skies.
These few pictures to bring back memories to those present and to tempt those who were kept away by other obligations, to be with us next year!
The President, Mr. Jacques Reignault and the new Board of CEPLIS.The President of Union Profesional, M. Carlos Carnicer Diez and the Président of CEPLIS Mr. Jacques Reignault rewarding leadership.Gala diner – 09/06/2013Gala diner – 09/06/2013The President of the Permanent Committee of CEPLIS Mr. Rudolf Kolbe with the President of CEPLIS Mr. Jacques Reignault. By their side, two Vice-presidents : Ms. Simone Zerah and Mr. Carlos Carnicer Diez and Pr. Theodoros Koutroubas, Director General of CEPLIS – 10/06/2013Permanent Committee meeting of CEPLIS – 10/06/2013Permanent Committee meeting of CEPLIS, Mr. Marko Curavic, Head of Unit European Commission – 10/06/2013Permanent Committee meeting of CEPLIS, Mr. Douglas Bilton, UK Professional Standards Authority – 10/06/2013