As every year, November’s General Assembly meeting was followed by a high-level mini conference, organized by our Permanent Committee, chaired by our First Vice-president, Mr. Gaetano Stella.
Our speakers this 21st of November were:
Mr. Hubert GAMBS, Director of the Directorate E “Modernization of the Single Market” in the European Commission’s DG GROW who addressed the issue: “Modernization of the Single Market”.
Mr. Konstantinos TOMARAS, Deputy Head of Unit E5 “Professional Qualifications and Skills” in the European Commission’s DG GROW who spoked on “Professional Qualifications and Skills.”
And last but not least, the President of our British interprofessional observer member (UKIPG), Mr. Alisdair Orr, who brought to our attention The British liberal Professions’ point of view on “Brexit”.
Well attended the event offered all our members the opportunity to interact with the speakers and discuss issues of interest for their specific professions/countries.
For further information on this meeting please feel free to call our Secretariat.
From Left to the right: First Vice-president & Chair of our Permanent Committee, Mr. Gaetano Stella, CEPLIS President, Mr. Rudolf Kolbe, European Commission’s DG GROW Director, Mr. Hubert Gambs, CEPLIS Director General Prof. Dr. Theodoros Koutroubas, European Commission’s DG GROW, Deputy Head of Unit, Mr. Konstantinos Tomaras.