Election of two CEPLIS Vice-Presidents

The General Assembly has adopted, at its meeting in Malta an amendment to the Statutes increasing the number of Vice-presidents (from two to four) in order to ensure the representation of all professional families (Law, Health, Engineering) at the level of the Presidium. Following this decision, the Executive Board has elected two new Vice-presidents: the President of Unión Profesional (UP-Spain), Mr CARLOS CARNICER DÍEZ, and the Representative (and past President) of the European Council of Engineer Chambers (ECEC), Mr RUDOLF KOLBE.

Graduate in Law from the University of Zaragosa, Mr Carlos Carnicer Diez was elected President of the General Council of Spanish Bars in 2001, a position he still holds. Mr Carnicer lectures at the School of Legal Practice of the University of Zaragosa. He is also an adviser of the Legal Commission of the Government of Aragon and a Counsellor of the Spanish State.
At the international level, Mr. Carnicer is a member of the Board of the Federation of European Bars (FBE) and the Vice-president of the World Union of Professions (WUP) since 2002.

Holder of a Master’s Degree in Science (Technical University of Vienna), Mr Rudolf Kolbe, has served as President of the Section “Chartered Engineers” of the Austrian Federal Chamber of Architects and Chartered Engineers, from 2002 to 2006. He is the President of the regional Chamber of Architects and Chartered Engineers for Upper Austria and Salzburg since 2006.

At the international level Mr. Kolbe served  as President of the European Council of Engineers Chambers (ECEC) from 2003 to 2006 and was elected member of the European Federation of Engineering Consultancy Associations (EFCA) Task Force for Public Procurement from 2002 to 2006. He is currently the Vice-president of the Council of European Geodetic Surveyors (CLGE). Rudolf Kolbe has chaired our Working Group on Services and Regulations from 2005 to 2007.

M. Rudolf Kolbe
Mr. Carlos Carnicer Diez