European Project LIGHT: The second Newsletter is out.

The second Newsletter on the activities of the European project LIGHT is now online .

It contains a presentation of the project as well as a summary of the activities carried out by the consortium:  the seminars in Rome, Brussels, Sofia, and Madrid, but also the LIGHT Final Conference and the visit of Europol.



The European project “LIGHT: “Illuminating dark corners”” aims at increasing the competency of legal professions in the fight against money laundering and the financing of terrorism (AML/FT). The latter is  is led by CONFPROFESSIONI – the Italian Confederation of Liberal Professions – and gathers the following partners; CEPLIS – the European Council of the Liberal Professions, WLA – the Association of Women Lawyers, FEDERNOTAI – the National Trade Union of Italians Notaries, UINL – the International Union of Notaries, CGN – the General Council of Notaries, CGAE – the General Council of the Spanish Lawyers.

You may find out more about it on Twitter @light_aml, on Facebook @LIGHTPreventingMoneyLaundering, and on this website.

Our Secretariat remains at your entire disposal for any further information.