The President of Confprofessioni, Gaetano Stella, was unanimously re-elected as President of the European Council of the Liberal Professions (CEPLIS) by the General Assembly of CEPLIS, at its meeting on June 14 in Milan. The Assembly also renewed the members of the Executive Board who will serve until June 2025.
Prof. Dr. Victoria Ortega Benito, from the Professional Union of Spain (UP), was elected First Vice-President. The other three Vice-Presidents are Mr. Benjamin Rizzo, from the Malta Federation of Professional Associations (MFPA); Mr. Jean-Yves Pirlot, from the European Council of Geodetic Surveyors (CLGE); and Mr. Jean-Philippe Brochet, from the European Union of Pharmacists specialized in Laboratory Medicine and Human Genetics (EUPLMG). Mr. Mario Gazic, from the European Nursing Council (ENC), was re-elected Treasurer. The Executive Board is completed by Messrs. Michael Van Gompen, of the National Union of Liberal and Intellectual Professions of Belgium (UNPLIB); Roy Spitz, of the National Union of Associations of the Liberal Professions of France (UNAPL); James Lonergan, from the Irish Interprofessional Association (IIPA); and Klaus Thürriedl, from the European Council of Chambers of Engineers (ECEC).