Letter from Commissioner Bieńkowska to the President of CEPLIS

Commissioner Elźbieta Bieńkowska, responsible for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, has personally replied to the letter our President, Mr. Rudolf Kolbe, addressed to her last September, following her announcement of a Communication of the Commission concerning our sector. (Please find the here the link to the letter of President Kolbe: http://www.ceplis.org/ckfinder/userfiles/files/letter-commissioner-bienkowska.pdf)

Commissioner Elźbieta Bieńkowska

In her letter, the Commissioner underlines that liberal professions are beneficial to society by serving public objectives such as health, security, and justice. Furthermore, she stressed the fact that due to their entrepreneurial nature our professions are also a driver for innovation and jobs, promoting, thus, the recovery of the EU’s from its economic and social crisis.

Ms. Bieńkowska refers to the Entrepreneurship 2020 Action Plan and the Working Group “Bolstering the Business of the Liberal Professions”, as two major steps that have been set in our area of interest the last years. She concludes by mentioning the report that will be published in the following weeks based on the recommendation and suggestions of the Working Group in question. As you know, CEPLIS’ members were invited to read and comment on this report before its publication, thanks to Mr. Ioakomidis, a member of the Unit of Mr. Catinat (DG GROW, European Commission), who kindly accepted our invitation to participate in the Permanent Committee meeting of CEPLIS the 16th of November. We hereby take the opportunity to thank our Members who provided as with feedback.

Mr. Ruldof Kolbe, President of CEPLIS


It is also important to note that, the Commissioner highlights in her letter the importance of the SME Assembly event 2015 and thanks CEPLIS for its participation.

Ms. Bieńkowska points that the Unit of Mr. Catinat is always at our disposal to discuss in detail issues relevant to the liberal professions and entrepreneurship and – even more importantly – confirms the availability of her Cabinet for a meeting.