Election of President Stella as Member of the Consultative Commission on Industrial Change (CCMI) with EESC

Felicitazioni Presidente! CEPLIS’ President, Gaetano Stella, who was very recently reelected as Confprofessioni President for another mandate, was also elected as Member of the Consultative Commission on Industrial Change (CCMI). As many of you know, CCMI examines changes in industry across a wide range of sectors, keeping pace and tackling them according to the values of the European economic and social model. This election is of paramount importance for CEPLIS. It will bolster our influence within the EU Bodies and further strengthen our ever-growing relationship within European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), especially Group III ‘Diversity Europe’.

The CCMI succeeded the consultative committee of the ECSC (European Coal and Steel Community) when the latter expired on 23 July 2002. It is established as a distinct body within the EESC and has a remit extended to all sectors of industry in both manufacturing and services.

The CCMI is made up of EESC members and external delegates. The latter are appointed by the EESC from among sectoral associations representing organised civil society at European level.

The main objectives of this committee are :

  • to continue to cover those areas of the coal and steel industries and their production and consumption chains in which the EU is active;
  • to cover the impact of industrial change on other industrial and service sectors and, more generally, for example, on employment, social and structural policy, sustainable development, energy transition, etc.
  • more recently, to cover digital industrial change and its sectoral and societal impact, for example as regards the service and financial sectors, the automotive sector, the health sector and the impact of digital industrial change on jobs training, education, public-private partnerships, social and civil dialogues, and the general transition from Industry 4.0 to Society 4.0.

The CCMI can express its views through mandatory opinions under the terms of the Treaty, optional and exploratory opinions at the request of the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission, as well as own-initiative opinions, information reports and the holding of conferences and hearings.

It maintains a close working relationship with the other EU institutions and agencies and with organisations across the whole range.

For more information about CCMI, you may screen the QR bellow and the CCMI page will appear on your smart phone: