Reaction of CEPLIS following the Belgian Governement’s project repealing the Law on Liberal Professions

Imagine an ad for a law firm: “Choose our firm, we will offer your divorce proceeding for free! “


If this example is a little bit provocative, it is to draw your attention to the fact that the current Belgian Government intends to repeal the Law on Liberal Professions. In consequence, the law on Commercial Professions will be applied to the Liberal Professions.

The Union nationale des professions libérales et intellectuelles en Belgique (UNPLIB – Union of Liberal and intellectual Professions in Belgium) and its Flemish sister organization Federatie voor Vrije in Intellectuele Beroepen (FVIB) believe that this project is not logical and plead earnestly for the Liberal Professions to have a special status. That will “guarantee our independence, our ethics and our social value. It is in the interest of our patients and our clients. “

Sharing this point of view, the European Council of the Liberal Professions (CEPLIS) joins the protest action carried out by UNPLIB, FVIB and UNIZO. Indeed, CEPLIS aims at ensuring both the excellence and expertise of Liberal Professionals, but advocate also for a high quality in the provision of care and services to European citizens.

Please support this petition by visiting the following lin (Dutch) (French)