Please find below information about an EESC event regarding liberal professions.
The European Economic and Social Committee, under the initiative of the “SMEs, Crafts and the Professions” Category, committed the realisation of a study on “The state of Liberal Professions concerning their functions and relevance to European civil society” to the European Centre for Liberal professions of the University of Köln. The study is closely linked to the EESC own-initiative opinion INT/687 “The role and future of the professions in European civil society 2020”, drafted by the Rapporteur Arno Metzler, member of the Category and Vice-President of Group III “Various Interests”, adopted by the EESC in April.
The final text of study is in the process of being finalized and the Category will organize a launch event on Tuesday, 24 June 2014 in the afternoon in the EESC premises. For the time being you are kindly invited to save this date in your calendar and we will come back to you with further details on the event in the coming weeks. Please note that the EESC will not be able to cover the costs linked to your participation at the meeting.
Looking forward to meeting you in June,
Panagiotis GKOFAS