The European Council of the Liberal Professions (CEPLIS) is looking to hire an Evaluator with relation to the project on “Social Dialogue for the Sustainability of European Professional Practices Grant Agreement no. VS/2017/0359”.
The project aims to strengthen the mechanism of Social Dialogue in the sector of liberal professions and to promote employment and social protection in the sector.
In the framework of the project, the establishment of an evaluation unit composed by 3 members is a key task of work package 1.
Evaluation is carried out as an internal activity, following the empowerment evaluation approach.
This approach has been chosen in order to facilitate the cooperation mechanism between Confprofessioni and trade unions and to provide project management with information related to progress of the action and achievement of intermediate results.
As a result, evaluation activity supports project management, covering at the same time the usual monitoring and evaluation functions.
Objectives of the Evaluation
The objectives of the evaluation are:
o to carry out the action as described in the work plan enclosed, achieving the expected results within the given deadlines;
o to assess and document effectiveness and efficiency of the action.
Core Tasks of the Evaluation
Cooperate with evaluator team leader in drafting half yearly evaluation reports,;
Contribute to analytical activities of work package 2;
Ensure that the assessment covers equality considerations, in particular the gender dimension.
Evaluation Team
The evaluation unit will comprise:
1 evaluator team leader, appointed by the coordinator.
He/she is responsible of the quality of the final evaluation.
1 consultant, appointed by Eurocadres;
1 consultant, appointed by CEPLIS
Duration of appointment
From 1st September 2018 to 31st December 2019.
Place of supply of the service
Professional activities (support to the lead evaluator in the evaluation activity) will be carried out remotely.
As established in the project estimated budget: up to a maximum gross amount of 1.000 euros.
Qualification Requirements
Considering project objectives on social dialogue, the European context, the European institution financing the project, the multilateral nature of the partnership, the applicant must have a curriculum vitae with evidence of substantial experience on European social dialogue and be familiar with the context and modus operandi of the Italian and European trade unions.
In particular, the applicant should have:
a) University degree;
b) Minimum 2 years of experience in the evaluation of projects cofounded by the EU;
c) Minimum 1 years of management experience in projects involving social partners;
d) Minimum 1 years of experience in the evaluation of projects on social dialogue;
e) Knowledge of the programme on social dialogue of the European Commission;
f) Fluency in English language.
Selection Process
The consultant will be selected by means of examination of the CV.
Interested candidates are invited to submit their applications and CVs the following e-mail address:
The deadline for submitting applications is 20/08/2018.