At the kind invitation of the President of our active member Confprofessioni who is also our First Vice-president, Gaetano Stella, CEPLIS has participated in a series of very constructing and fruitful meetings between a delegation of Confprofessioni and several high level representatives of the government and the professional sector of Bulgaria.
Headed by Gaetano Stella, our delegation arrived in Sofia the 8th of May and had its first meeting with the Deputy Minister in charge of the Bulgarian EU Council Presidency, Ms Monika Panayotova.
The meeting was the opportunity for CEPLIS’ Director General to present the Minister with our booklet on the Common Values of the professions at the EU level and to underline the wish of our professions to see their specificities better integrated in the European Union’s policies on entrepreneurship. President Stella and Professor Koutroubas had afterwords a meeting with Ms Kalina Petkova, officer of the Bulgarian Ministry of Labour and Social Policies in charge of Labor Law and Social Security. Once more, our First Vice-president insisted on the need to continue the work initiated by former Commissioner Tajani regarding Liberal Professions and entrepreneurship and put emphasis on the role of the professions for a Single Market based on knowledge, quality and ethics.
The delegation met afterwards with representations of several professions, such as the Lawyers, the Engineers, the Notaries, the Physicians, etc as well as with the Chair of the Confederation of Independent Trade Unions of Bulgaria. Our Bulgarian colleagues manifested great interest in the works of CEPLIS and several of them have requested information about joining.
We feel that all meetings were very successful and that both parties have learned very much from a frank exchange of experience and comparison of priorities. It is now our duty to follow up these contacts and work together with our Bulgarian colleagues.
Confprofessioni President and CEPLIS Vice-president, Mr. Gaetano Stella with Ms. Monika Panayotova, Deputy Minister in charge of the Bulgarian Presidency of the EU Council
Our joint delegation with Minister Panayotova
First Vice-president Gaetano Stella and Prof. Dr. Theodoros Koutroubas Director General of CEPLIS