Press release conerning the election of the new Executive Board of CEPLIS
The General Assembly of the European Council of the Liberal Professions (, which has held a meeting on the 10th of July 2010 in Rome, in the prestigious Palace of the Italian Economic and Social Council, has elected a new Executive Board for a three year term.
This Board will be chaired by Mr. Jacques Reignault, a Dental surgeon, involved for a long time in the defense of Liberal Professions and notably of his dentists colleagues.
Of a French nationality, Jacques Reignault was at the head of European Affairs and Vice President of the french inter-professional organization (UNAPL), and is currently a member of the European Economic and Social Committee
The other members of the Board are :
Mr. Rudolph Kolbe, (First Vice-President), land surveyor, European Engineers Chambers, Vice-President of the Council of European Geodetic Surveyors.
Mrs Simone Zerah (Vice-President), clinical biologist, representative for European biologists.
- Mr. Peter Swindlehurst (Vice-President), aeronotics engineer, United Kingdom Inter-professional Group.
Mr. Carlos Carnicer (Vice-President), lawyer, President of the spanish Professional Union.
Mr. Armand Gersanois (Treasurer), President for the European Federation of Osteopaths.
Mr. Eric Thiry, lawyer specialized in medical law, President of the Belgian inter-professional organization (UNPLIB).
Mr. Serge Coimbra, President of the Liaison Committee for Podiatrists of the European Union.
Mr. Michael Van Gompen, clockmaker, Treasurer of the European Confederation of Conservator-Restorers.
Mr. Gaetano Stella, chartered accountant, President of the Italian Trade Unions Confederation of the Liberal Professions
John Ferguson, former Secretary and Registar of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of the United Kingdom, who has represented the British Liberals Professions within CEPLIS, has been unanimously elected, at the proposal of President Reignault, as Honorary President of CEPLIS for life.Mr. Ferguson was First Vice-President of CEPLIS for the past 6 years and has also served as President par interim between September 2006 and June 2007.