Questionnaire on Continous Professional Development (CPD)

Our Working Group on Professional Training, chaired by the President of Confprofessioni (, Mr. Gaetano Stella, is currently conducting a research in order to gather information on the current state of affairs with regards to Continuous Professional Development (CPD) amongst the different professions and EU-Member States.

In the framework of this research a questionnaire has been drafted aiming at carrying out a comparative assessment between various national differences

Five (5) chapters are identified:

  1. Concept and definition of Continuing Professional Development (CPD);
  2. CPD compulsory for:

Exercising your profession;

Belonging to your professional/regulatory Association;

It is considered ethically fundamental beyond any professional obligation to have it.

  1. Features of the courses that need to be examined according to the two fundamental characteristics of the obligation to have it:

Professional exercise;

Membership to professional association and Register;

The elements to research on are:

Who are the providers

Characteristics of the courses




  1. Systems of control
  2. Role of professional/regulatory Associations

As the next meeting of this Working Group is scheduled on the 9th of April, we would greatly appreciate it if you could kindly fill this Questionnaire in and return it the soonest possible on our email address:

Please consult the Questionnaire at the following address:
